LifeSaver Membership

Help us help them!

Become a member of the Super Heroes Humane Society LifeSaver community

No matter where you live, you can save lives!

LifeSavers are the Super Heroes that make it possible for us to continue to help the animals of our community. As a LifeSaver member, you become part of our team. A virtual Super Hero. You are in the trenches with us as we do our best to give every individual we are privileged to help the best outcome we possibly can. When you join LifeSaver, you’re showing your love and commitment to the helpless, the voiceless, the innocents that have no other options.

When you become a LifeSaver member, you get:

  • a Super Heroes LifeSaver yard sign to proudly display–>make your neighbors curious–>recruit more LifeSavers
  • opportunities to get social with your fellow LifeSavers
  • a Super Heroes Humane Society car magnet, and
  • the privilege of naming a cat in our program.

We know you’re a Super Hero, show your commitment to the animals by becoming a LifeSaver now! 

Become A Member Of The LifeSaver community

If you love animals, want to join with a cause you can connect with and support an organization with a heart as big as this virtual world, become a LifeSaver member now. LifeSaver membership starts at just $25 per month.

Membership Options

Bronze Membership

$25 / Month

Silver Membership

$40 / Month

Gold Membership

$75 / Month

Super Membership

$100 / Month