Our Lovely Lady Created by Jennifer
May 10, 2023
When SHHS let the world know that Ella was available, we knew as soon as we saw her picture that she was meant to be with us! She was such a quiet lady, hopping up to gently tap us, letting us know it was time for pets and treats! She

The Best Boy Created by Jennifer
March 13, 2023
Losing you has left a huge hole in our hearts and our family. For 9 years you entertained us with your silly antics, cuddled with us, loved us, and made us fall in love with you over and over. Our home is just not the same without you but we

A very long year Created by Lynn & Amy
March 10, 2023
It can’t be a whole year since you left us. Everyday is more painful than the last. Those big brown eyes & goofy smile. The Diva attitude with a show dog trot. You were just a our love, our heart our everything. We miss you terribly. Love you always Baby!